A Class Book Of Botany by T . C Dutta
The seventeenth edition of this popular textbook has been expanded and thoroughly revised to include a substantial new introduction, updating information on existing topics such as Origin and Continuity of Life and Sources and Uses of Energyelaborating on new issues like the importance of forecasts and social forestry.
Extensively rewritten chapters on plant physiology to incorporate recent research in biochemistry, especially in the areas of mechanism of photosynthesis, respiration and protein synthesis.
The introduction of concepts like structural and functional aspects of the ecosystem, old & modern trends in plant classification and differential methods of plant breeding, in the chapters on ecology, angiosperms and economic botany respectively. And additional teaching- and learning-aids like illustrations and diagrams and the use of the narrative method.
Salient Features
- The text has been illustrated with numerous simple figures and explanatory diagrams drawn by the author himself, in most cases directly from objects which are typical and easily available. The figures and diagrams have been drawn with a view to provide correct and easy appreciation.
- An attempt has been made to familiarize the students with the meanings of Latin and Greek prefixes and suffixes, and to trace the technical and scientific terms to their respective Latin and Greek roots. This will enable the students to master the subject of terminology more easily.
- In many cases, more than one example has been given to illustrate a particular form or feature. A large number of English and vernacular names have been introduced to suit the convenience of students. Latin names have been followed by vernacular or English equivalents, or often by both.